1. Prarie Gigue
2. Different Song
3. To Die Young
4. Raisins Are Everything
5. Company Of Killers
6. Worker's Playtime
7. Let It Float
8. Anarki Apati
9. Sex Mit Pflanzen
10. Bonjour De Tours, Mon Amour
11. Westworld
12. Ahreen Scratching
14. Sallymae 5
15. Anagenic Z1
16. Dub For St. Rita
17. Tension
18. Mysterious Sickness
19. I.C.M. 10
20. Fawsit, Woshrewm & V-ola
21. Boulez And Other Ranks
22. Nu Zugelacht, Ihr Lachlakel
23. 10 Years From The Nearest Friend
24. And Said Nothing
25. Howling Music Excerpts